5 Tips for Working in an RV Effectively

Last Updated on July 5, 2023

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Tips to work form an RV

Although now many more people prefer living and working from an RV, it is not easy to make any income if you are doing it wrong. Ideally, there are many different ways of earning income while on the road but managing road life and work simultaneously is not easy. However, it is easy working from an RV nowadays since you can easily access the internet from everywhere, there is abundant mobile phone service and plenty of independent locations where you can park your RV. In addition, most places are secure with regular patrols and fast emergency response. Here are important tips for full-time working and living in an RV:

Dedicate a working space

Even though you will be moving a lot, you need to have a specific place where you will be working comfortably and peacefully. You can designate an area, and set the required equipment to avoid wasting time looking around. The working space should be accessible, comfortable, and organized. I usually work laying down, propped up with pillows with the laptop in my lap. I purchased a laptop desk and pillow to make this space more comfortable. I know this is not the best way since it radiates too close to my body, to avoid this, I also got an EMF protection shield to shield me from radiation.

Work ahead

Planning in advance is of paramount importance to avoid wasting time or getting stressed up when you encounter a problem. Hence, although mobile service and Wi-Fi are available in most places, you need to plan in advance to know the areas you need to be at what time. You can also work before moving to another area because you might find out it’s a low signal area. Therefore, working ahead of moving to another area will help you avoid work associated stress while freeing up extra time as you travel. You can use the extra time you’ve created to relax or get involved in other activities. I can hardly do any work on travel days. Driving and moving can be very tiring. 


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Travel slowly

Traveling using an RV may take a day or even several days especially if you’ve other things you need to take care of. You need to organize your RV, have a working plan, clean the RV, talk to relevant authorities and ensure that your RV is in the right condition. Therefore, by taking much time in the location you’ve already settled can help you save a lot of time to work.

You will reduce the time needed for traveling, planning, and setting up to reduce the probability of your RV breaking down during travels. You are therefore advised to travel slowly. In addition, you can work from the same location for a long period of time but you are using other means of transport e.g. a bike to know other places. If you get a location with a conducive environment, you just need to settle down for a while before moving to another location. 

Create a working schedule

You cannot hit a target you don’t have, nor can you be able to meet your objectives if you’ve not listed them down. You need to have a well-planned working schedule to avoid wasting time or forgetting important things you are supposed to do. Research shows that people who have working schedules are able to meet their goals because they work within a timeline and they don’t waste time. Travelling could be overwhelming and if you are not cautious, you may end up doing things that are not important at the time only to have pending work.

Having a working schedule each day will prepare your mind for work and you will be knowing what you are supposed to be doing at what time. You will therefore be able to meet your goals and get motivated after meeting your objectives. Procrastination is common when traveling since you will get fun things to do making it hard to concentrate on your work. However, if you have a schedule, you will first handle important things and then get to your fun part. 

Have fun

One of the reasons you are living in an RV is to have fun while traveling unlike staying in an apartment or a condo. Therefore, you are supposed to have fun, create good moments and always spare free time to enjoy life because don’t need to be working all the time! It is possible to work effectively and have fun while on the road. You just need to plan everything and be committed to fulfilling each with the time you’ve.

Although RV life is great, it does not suit everyone. Some people do not prefer living in an RV and instead prefer living in apartments, condos or even their own homes. However, for those who love traveling and having fun on the road, RV is the ideal place is they follow the 5 tips discussed above.

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